Congratulations  to our 2024 AAFC E.W. Sewell Fire Chief of the Year Award Winner, Assistant Fire Chief William Watts of Fayetteville Fire Department and Farmington Fire Chief.

Congratulations to our 2024 AAFC E.W. Sewell Fire Chief of the Year Award Winner, Assistant Fire Chief William Watts of Fayetteville Fire Department and Farmington Fire Chief.

Serving the Citizens of Arkansas

The 2024 Arkansas Fire Convention was a blazing success, showcasing the dedication and professionalism of our Fire Chiefs who serve with pride and honor. Join us in celebrating the hard work and commitment of our firefighting community, as we continue to advance the fire service and support the citizens of Arkansas with unwavering dedication. Visit to stay up to date on all the latest news and events in the fire service world.


Our Upcoming 2025 Winter Workshop

I would like to formally invite our Fire Service family to the 2025 AAFC Winter Workshop on Janauary 30th & 31st.  This workshop will showcase a keynote speaker and host many of the topics facing current issues and training topics in the State of Arkansas and abroad.  We look forward to seeing you there!  Be sure to click on the registration link listed in the section below, and thank you for your continued support. 

“I am honored to lead with compassion as your President, eager to collaborate with the outstanding fire departments and EMS agencies across Arkansas. Together, we will continue to serve our communities with dedication and excellence, shaping a brighter future for the fire service in our great state.”

AAFC President Justin Scantlin

Fire Chief, Bentonville Fire Department

News & Upcoming Events

Our Mission

The Arkansas Association of Fire Chiefs (AAFC) welcomes you to our website. The AAFC is specifically formed to bring career and volunteer Fire Chiefs, from all over the State of Arkansas to a forum of communication, camaraderie, and professionalism. The AAFC believes in serving the citizens of Arkansas by actively participating in the advancement of the fire service, through positive leadership, the sharing of information, and active legislative involvement.

National Cooperative Procurement Where all of the Work is Done For You. Find Competitively Solicited Contracts for Your Fire Department.

Our 2024 Winter Workshop was a Success!

Thank you to all of the vendors present.  Your participation and professionalism in providing some of the best products to Fire Service is above reproach, and we look forward to seeing you at many more conferences.

Pay Your Membership Online

Pay for your membership online by clicking the link below.  You will fill out an information form and be taken to a secure, online payment link.  You will receive confirmation of payment immediately after the transaction.  If you wish to pay by traditional application and mail payment by hand, refer to the “Download Membership Application” and follow the instructions at the bottom of that form.

Download Membership Application

If you prefer to print off a membership application, please click on the link below and the application will be downloaded to your computer in a .pdf format.  You will need to complete a membership application for each member of your organization who wishes to receive membership and voting rights.  If you have any questions, please contact the AAFC Secretary for more information.

Keep Current on Legal Issues Affecting You and the Fire Service!

Check out these links for easy access to finding the status of current legislation within the State of Arkansas.

State Legislature

Track your State Legislature by clicking on the link below.  Find bills listed on this site.


An Easier way to see the full behind the scenes of each bill.  Powered by LegiScan.

Check Out Some of the Training Opportunities Across the State

Several organizations across the State of Arkansas, provide training resources at little to no cost to you.  Check out the Arkansas State Firefighters’ Association below for training near you. 


Arkansas State Firefighters Association

The Arkansas State Firefighters’ Association (ASFFA) is a statewide network of firefighters. We allow firefighters from all over Arkansas to connect with one another and access resources and benefits. We also provide representation for all firefighters, and work with Arkansas lawmakers toward legislation that lets us be heard and helps us be safe.